Organic Growth
Premier Affiliate Programme
Affiliate Terms and Conditions
The Premier Organic Growth Affiliate programme is only open to members of the Organic Growth (OG) Premier Club.
By filling in the OG affiliate online form, Premier Club members automatically become affiliates. Affiliates will receive email confirmation of registration.
Members remain affiliates as long as they remain paid up members of the Premier Club or resign.
Standard operating procedures.
The affiliate program exists to enable OG Premier Cub members to share the knowledge and opportunities they enjoy with their circle of friends, family and acquaintances.
OG will supply affiliates with the necessary sign up material to simply this process.
First come first served: Members can only register a referral once once, so any attempts to introduce new members that have previously joined the OG club will fail.
As new members join by you filling in the online forms, they will be automatically linked to the introducer / affiliate for as long as the introducer remains a Paid up OG Premier Club member.
The Affiliate must remain currently paid up at all times to retain the benefit of all their previous referrals.
Once people are added by you they will be connected to you and any purchases that they do through Organic Growth will accrue to your account if you remain a paid up Premier club member.
If your membership lapses due to non payment of the membership fees then you forfeit any commissions that could of accrued to you if your lead buys more properties.
Whenever an Premier Club member purchases a property sourced by OG, a commission of R2 000 will be payable to the affiliate.
At the time of the payment of transfer of each property OG will verify that the affiliate status is current before payment can be made to the affiliate.
As the introduced club member builds his or her portfolio and purchases further properties, the additional affiliate introduction fees will be paid to the affiliate as long as he/she remains a Premier affiliate.
FREE Affiliates
If you are a Free Affiliate then a once off R3000 commission will be paid to you on the first deal only.
Should the introduced member purchase a property jointly with another member (ie a family member or business partner) the affiliate commission may need to be divided proportionately amongst different affiliates. In such cases, the final decision will be made by Neil Vorster.
Companies and Trusts. Should any introduced member purchase a property in a financial vehicle such as a company or a trust, for the purposes of this affiliate scheme, it will be deemed to be the member’s purchase and the respective affiliate member will earn the introducing commission.
Important Notes:
Affiliates do not need to own or purchase properties themselves to be a part of the affiliate program.
Organic Growth Premier Club Membership
Affiliates will remain registered affiliates as long as they remain OG Premier Club members or until they resign their affiliate status in writing.
It is important to note that when you sign up as an Affiliate, you will automatically be signed up as an OG Premier Club member according to the terms in the agreement.
Please click here to read the Organic Growth Premier Club agreement . By signing up as an Affiliate you agree to all the terms and applicable fees of the Premier Club Members.
To read more about the Membership rates and benefits click here
All payments to affiliates will be paid by electronic transfer into their bank account as provided